Smart Contract Audit

Looking for a smart contract audit firm?

Hire a winning team of Smart Contract Auditors who have audited 27+ top blockchain projects in DeFi, Crowd Funding & Asset Tokenization.

Why do you need an External Smart Contract Audit

Historically, a single bug in smart contracts has led to irrecoverable loss of funds or locking up of millions of dollars. Some of the recent examples are listed below:

1. Lendf.Me, a lending platform within DForce ecosystem was exploited resulting in locking up of ~$25M worth of ETH

2. The Parity wallet and Parity 2 Hack in ’17 resulted in cumulative loss of more than 6,50,000 ETH

3. Factom-based Decentralised network PegNet was subjected to 51% attack in April ’20.

All these hacks point out to one thing – the need for better security standards and regular security audits of projects.

Type Of Projects That Need Security Audits

Token Contracts

Leverage our expertise in conducting robust smart contract audits across major protocols and programming languages like Solidity, JavaScript, C++ among others.

DeFi Projects

Smart Contracts in DeFi projects such as Compound, dYdX, Aave etc become fairly complex. Get an interim audit in addition to the Full Security Audit for additional safety.

Wallets and dApps

Don’t lose sleep over the security of your smart contracts. Take advantage of our sophisticated experience in auditing even the most complex smart contracts.

Type of Audit Services

Interim Audit

A useful tool for DeFi projects to get thier complex modules reveiwed by an expert and ensure that they are moving in the right direction with optimised gas levels

Basic Security Audit

Typically conducted within 48 to 72 hours, the basic audit is conducted by a single auditor and is sufficient for standard token contracts like ERC20, ERC721 etc.

Full Security Audit

Our most comprehensive code review that leverages a mix of automated testing tools and manual review from 2 independent and experienced auditors before reaching consensus

Round-the-clock Audit

For projects that have mulitple iterations and a defined roadmap, our auditors accompany you throughout the development lifecycle ensuring that new code is regularly reviewed

Your Smart Contract Audit Report

Audit for major protocols – Ethereum, EOS, TRON, Hyperledger, IOST

By the end of the security audit, you will receive a clean, nicely formatted report in PDF format that has been compiled after consensus from 2 independent auditors.

This report would contain: –

1. An exhaustive list of issues categorized as Critical, Major & Minor

2. Justifications for each issue pointed out by the auditors

3. Recommendations on how to solve the issues wherever feasible

All our customers have an option to make the report public (recommended for most projects) or keep it private (relevant for interim audits).

Why engage with us

Two Time Blockchain Hackathon Winners

Winners of London Blockchain Week Hackathon 2017, followed by the Grand Blockchain Challenge, India in 2018

Delivered 23+ Blockchain projects

In Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Real Estate Tokenization, Supply Chain & Government since 2017

Dedicated in-house Blockchain developers

Experienced in-house team of blockchain solution architects, native blockchain developers & functional consultants

12+ years of experience in software projects

Unmatched delivery experience for global software projects in governments, enterprise & startups since 2006

Active open source contributions

Inherent love for open-source and collaboration. See our GitHub profile at

Multiple Blockchain Platform Experience

Specialized in ICO development, STO Development, dApp development, Ethereum, Asset Tokenization, Waves, Stellar, Wallet development, Hyperledger (Fabric, Composer, Indy, Sawtooth), EOS, Corda, TRON

India’s premier venture builder studio

We are a tribe of engineering maniacs building blockchain solutions for enterprises, crypto startups and also governments across the globe. If you are passionate about the potential of Blockchain Technology and want to be a part of the next web, we’d love to hear from you. Bonus points for humbleness!

Contact us
Learn more about our tech solutions and how we can support you in implementing your project. Write to us on and our team will get in touch!