P2P Energy Trading
Learn how blockchain can be used for P2P Energy Trading and bill settlement in microgrids. Explore decentralized power exchange & blockchain based REC Trading for renewables.
The energy trading market has developed over time from a highly regulated to a liberalized market across the globe. Despite these efforts, the market remains inefficient in many areas leading to substantial frictional costs being borne by customers. Energy trading occurs mostly over the counter (OTC) and the renewable energy sources are yet to be fully integrated into the system. Our Energy Trading platform enables existing as well as new stakeholders to trade energy directly and efficiently using Blockchain Technology. This also enable long term leasing of energy from producers – something that has a number of barriers in how the industry functions today.

India’s premier venture builder studio
We are a tribe of engineering maniacs building blockchain solutions for enterprises, crypto startups and also governments across the globe. If you are passionate about the potential of Blockchain Technology and want to be a part of the next web, we’d love to hear from you. Bonus points for humbleness!